Almost one year into our existence, we've finally grown to the point we can move to our own sim~! Yay, its a big step but one we're excited about. We acquired the sim and renamed it to -- have a guess -- yup, Zanzo, and have begun construction on a fabulous new and expanded build of our store!
We've left about half of the sim free for rental prospects. Zanzo is a high traffic store that stresses quality. As such, our sim will also be attractive with a road stretching through the sim, a park area, and carefully divided parcels.
We're offering seven nicely sized parcels that would be perfect for a medium sized main store or hangout (dance clubs excluded). There are still possibilities for larger ones, if open parcels are joined together. As long as the concept fits in generally and follows the basic rules (notecard available) that come with any themed sim, it is likely to be welcome. FULL parcel rights are granted to tenants (name, description, media streams, ban list, ability to put your place in SL search, etc.).
Interested? Send a notecard or IM to me, Theodore DuCasse, in-world for a list of our available packages, guidelines, and if your interest persists, we can give you a look at the land we still have available.
Zaker – Teka Lamp
1 hour ago