Monday, 20 October 2008
Welcome to the Zanzo blog!
Hey! Welcome to the official blog for Zanzo, a variety fashion outlet in Second Life. I'm Theodore DuCasse in-world and run Zanzo with my partner Drusus DuCasse, who may or may not post here (he has his own blog and is really lazy!).
We created Zanzo with three shapes and three skins in a small store sometime in either late April or early May. We found that our tiny array of goods sold well, so made more... and more... and it kept growing... and growing... until now, in October, we have a huge main store at the Splintered Rock sim.
We label ourselves "variety fashion" because we - or want to - cater to just about all facets of Second Life no matter what your in-world age, appearance, subculture, or theme. Second Life is a world in which you can choose who you want to be. ANYTHING. Unfortunately, there are always those who bring their narrow-mindedness into SL, which has left communities such as the SL kids scene under attack from bigots more than once. Zanzo is very much a full tolerance store and as long as you aren't a griefer waving around your oversized... uhh... prim parts, you're welcome.
Anyway, this blog will give you an insight to our creation process, as well as inform you on new and upcoming releases. The Second Life group setup, quite frankly, kinda sucks. You have to squeeze your text into very few characters and people get fed up if you send too many notices out. Oh, there is a poll down the right-hand side about our group setup, which currently is pushing 300 members, so please vote. In addition to Zanzo stuff, you'll find some musings and photography from myself here. I'm an avid photographer and although I suck at advanced Photoshop techniques, I think I take and touch up some pretty cool shots.
So please bookmark us or add us to your blog reader (such as Google Reader) and enjoy. :P
Finally, here's a preview of the biggest project to date we've worked on at Zanzo. It is something that is pretty original and creative, something we think that guys and girls will love, as it'll include lots of products for both (NO, its not an RPG sim, but who knows what it could lead to)...