We've expanded our popular Seraphim skin range for guys at Zanzo today. Featured in several SL magazines and blogs, Seraphim is one of Second Life's premier androgynous/youthful skin ranges for male avatars, offering a fresh and cool alternative look for those wanting a less mature look than many.
We've added six new skins to each of the four skin tones today. Four are "Femboy" skins with makeups for feminine boys, named "Satin", "Porphyry", "Ruby", and "Harajuku". The other two are more edgy skins with a new emo style variation called "Black Misery" and a scratched eye one called "Neko's Victim" with deep red gashes that extend from the forehead to cheekbone on one side of the face.
Like with our original set, each box comes with light and dark eyebrow options, and costs L$1200 per skin. A discounted fatpack of the entire range is also available for completists. ^^
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