After much work, we're happy to reveal our new line of male youth skins at
Zanzo! "Boyhood" skins are more versatile than we originally intended, not just child skins but also good for teen and possibly androgynous young adult avatars (try demos ^^). Detailed and vibrant, these skins are available in three yummy skin tones: Todd (pale), Greg (medium tan), Bobby (darker tan).
Each tone has five options to choose from: Bare, Freckly (includes cute upper body freckles!), Blush, Eyeliner, and Boo-Boo. Each skin is L$1200 and comes with two eyebrow options, light and dark, while discounted fatpacks for each tone are available.
As always with new releases, we've made shapes fitted perfectly for the new skins! In this case, nine of 'em. The youngest seven use the female base to male shape conversion that is popular among skinny young avatars. The oldest two, with a little more width and muscle use the regular male base. Come and see 'em
in store.
Hope you like!
Note: With the release of these, we've retired two of our older ranges. "Androgyny" (our oldest, it has served us well, but time to go) and "Childhood".