Issue 15 of the SL-famous magazine Vain Inc. features... Zanzo!? Whoa, yes it does. We were lucky enough to be offered a feature in Vain, which is read by over 20,000 people each month and is one of Second Life's most stylish zines. Six and a half pages are devoted to us from page 55 to 61 and focuses on some of ours shirts, jeans, and eyes. I'd like to send thanks and much <3 out to Nykki Heartsdale and Faadal Mokeev for taking the time to visit our store and run a feature on us. As a growing brand in the fiercely competitive world of Second Life, publicity like this is great for us and will hopefully bring new people to our always expanding store.
You can read the magazine online at:
http://issuu.com/vaininc./docs/vaininc.issue15 (we're page 55 to 61, remember!)
There are also in-world issues that you can read on a HUD, and I have it if anyone would prefer to read it that way. Just IM me and I'll send you a copy.