We have two parcels available for rent at the Zanzo sim! Both are corner parcels and are ideal for commercial use.
The Zanzo sim is over 4 years old and we can offer a friendly, attractive, and well maintained region for any tenant. Some of our renters have been with us 3+ years!
Full parcel control is granted to you so you can list it in the search engine, set your music stream, and so on. Terraforming and sky-based studios/skyboxes are also allowed. Rental is paid monthly.
Please contact Theodore DuCasse in-world if you have any questions or are interested. Here are the available parcels:
Lot 1 - 2992 sq. m / 684 prims (can
possibly be doubled up with the opposing parcel for a total of approx.
1250 prims)
Lot 2 - 3168 sq. m / 725 prims
LOTD #2987
47 minutes ago