Zanzo is 5 years old! It has been a wonderful journey for us since launching a tiny shop in the mall area of a now defunct Harry Potter sim, and we have enjoyed every minute of it. Without you guys supporting us we'd never have survived this long.
So we appreciate every visit to our store, everyone who finds our stuff worth buying, everyone who has told a friend about us, everyone who has put us in their Picks, everyone who has supported us in any other way.
Zanzo is getting older so we have decided to mature the brand a little by debuting a new logo and build that is more "sleek" than our traditional colourful builds. We've simplified things by merging mini-brands into basic areas (such as Male Fashion, Female Fashion). We've not quite finished it yet but it's presentable and open to the public. Our products will continue to be as diverse and eye-catching as always though.
To celebrate our 5th anniversary we've put two mesh freebies near the landing point (up the steps - female freebie near female fashion, male freebie near male fashion). So come and grab 'em and if you're so inclined, reacquaint yourself with our store. We're feeling as motivated as ever and have many new releases planned.
Here's to 5 more years. Thank you all so much for your support and let your friends know about us!
~ Theodore & Drusus DuCasse ~
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