^.^ Valmai ^.^ is now open at the Zanzo sim!
A collaboration between Theodore DuCasse (Zanzo) and Ghanima Uriza (BLUE BLOOD), Valmai is a unique underwear shop where every piece is both hand drawn and hand painted with loving care and attention.
Most of our ranges are unisex (despite our leanings to pretty boys on posters! ^^) and carry low, affordable prices with discounted fatpacks. We launch today with 13 unique ranges, each created from scratch as mentioned, but will be adding more in the coming days, including a free opening gift that isn't quite ready yet.
We also have an update group (check the sign by the door) to keep up with latest releases and to get special gifts.
Please come and have a look, we hope you like it!
Teleport to ^.^ Valmai ^.^!